Tessa Teaches Trance: Trust Fall

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Tessa Teaches Trance: Trust Fall

(4 customer reviews)

This is the first in a 4 part series of trance training called “Tessa Teaches Trance.” This session, Trust Fall, helps to discover your own personal definition of trance and give some of those sexy yet vague terms of hypnosis a little bit of meaning so that you may have a bit more direction while surrendering to the hypnotic spell of a sexy woman.

This is the first in a 4 part series of trance training called “Tessa Teaches Trance.” This session, Trust Fall, helps to discover your own personal definition of trance and give some of those sexy yet vague terms of hypnosis a little bit of meaning so that you may have a bit more direction while surrendering to the hypnotic spell of a sexy woman.

This file is pure erotic hypnosis. While not sexual, it reaches back to the fetish’s roots of when just being hypnotized by a dominant woman was just a little bit more than a submissive boy could handle and that makes it incredibly erotic.

I’ve created this series for those that still struggle to achieve deep trance and are willing to do the work to get there. I’m spacing the 4 parts out so that hopefully you’ll spend a bit of time with each before moving on to the next. In future installments, we’ll dive deep into even sexier things like, depth, triggers, and physical response.

It’s my personal mission to get all of you trancing so feel free to message me with any questions or struggles you may have.

What if you already trance well? I suppose you’ll just have to listen and see if you've been going as deep as you could have been all this time.

Release Date 09/28/2015
Recording Quality Stereo
Length in Minutes 39:57
Background Music Yes
Subliminal Layering No
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions No
Topics/Fetishes femdom, trance training, erotic hypnosis, conditioning

4 reviews for Tessa Teaches Trance: Trust Fall

  1. ShyGentleman

    I have been using erotic hypnosis files for years but I never seemed to go as deep as I could or as I wanted to. Still, some files worked after a few weeks of listening, while others never did even if I really wanted them to.

    The only files that worked for me were from 2 or 3 hypnotists only and Tessa is one of those hypnotists because she takes time to get you into trance. Even though I always remember everything about a session and would like to go so deep as to not remember much from it, some sessions worked so I accepted the fact I wasn’t going to be able to do it. Some people are better than other at trancing and that’s probably the best I could do. Until now.

    I only listened to it once, but it’s still enough for me to rate this one highly. In fact, it is WHY I have to rate it highly. I have never been so deep before. I remember the first 15 minutes or so ( I don’t know the exact time I fell deeply, but that’s about right) and than I remember waking up. I remember nothing in-between. I am not saying it will happen to you on your first try, but I am sure it will eventually take you deeper than before if you’re like me.

    It would be great if it took me as deep every single time and if I could do it now with any files. I don’t think it will just with one listening, but I now am certain that this series will help me achieve it and then some.

    Tessa is not only a great hypnotist, she is also a great marketer. What more do you need than a product that works as advertised? I bought this recording in the hope it will at least make me trance a bit deeper but I wasn’t too hopeful. After trying it, I leave with the desire to buy this whole series and even more of Tessa’s files. All that without any hypnotic suggestions to do so. Imagine what will she be able to do to me with actual suggestions after I am well-trained with this series! I just can’t wait.

  2. dgtime2005@yahoo.com (verified owner)

    In the past, when I’ve taken the time to write about my experiences with a particular hypnosis file, I usually title my written thoughts as a “Testimonial”. I don’t like to call it a “Review” because a review assumes that I have some higher knowledge or experience with hypnosis that puts me in a position to make objective judgments about the quality of the hypnosis product or the ability of the hypnotist. And I certainly don’t have a higher knowledge of hypnosis. Nor do I feel that I can be objective in my opinions about certain hypnotists. There are some that I like a lot, and I will listen to everything they release. (Unless the file includes butt stuff) There are some hypnotists I think are competent practitioners, but, for whatever reason (I don’t like their voices, too many sound effects, too much buttstuff, small boobs…etc) I just don’t like their products. And then there are the ones I think of as frauds. The ones pretending to be hypnotists but obviously don’t know the first thing about hypnosis. I can’t be objective about a hypnotist or her products no matter which of those categories she falls into. I either like them or I don’t, and writing a true “review” would be impossible. I’m way too biased.
    With all that being said, what I’m going to say about Tessa’s newest file, Tessa Teaches Trance Part 1: Trust Fall, is absolutely a review. I’m not writing this as a testimonial to Tessa. I’m not writing this to be a “good boy” or to ingratiate myself with her. I’m not writing this because I was instructed to. I’m not writing this to score brownie points. I honestly don’t care if Tessa ever reads this or even knows that I wrote it. I simply feel that my thoughts on this file need to be shared with the greater erotic hypnosis community. I have little doubt that others who have already experienced this session will echo my conclusions. For any erotic hypnosis fan who wants to improve his (or her) trance experiences, Tessa Teaches Trance is a must.
    Trance training files are not a new concept. I’ve listened to many during the 8 or so years that I’ve been exploring this fetish. In my early days, I remember a particularly useful training series or two that helped me vastly improve my trancing. However, while those files were useful for trancing in general, they were most effective in training me to submit to the dominant woman herself. Which is fine. We all love having our minds rewired to submit to our hypnodomme of choice. But more often than not, that type of training fails to make us better at actually going into deep hypnosis.
    Tessa makes it clear up front that the purpose of the Tessa Teaches Trance series is not to make you a better subject to her. Her goal is to make you a better hypnosis subject overall. “And why”, you might ask “should I let Tessa teach me how to be a better hypnosis subject if I’m already dedicated to hypnosis with someone else?” The answer is simple. Its because Tessa, more so than anyone I’ve come across, is a gifted practitioner of hypnosis. She understands the process and mechanics of hypnosis the way an electrical engineer understands a circuit. Hypnosis is not just some fetish she stumbled into and decided to become active in. Hypnosis is not just a category on her website alongside other erotic fetishes. Hypnosis is what she does, what she trained to do, and what she has mastered through study, experience, and innovation.
    Trust Fall, the first part of the Tessa Teaches Trance series, takes you back to the beginning, and reintroduces you to hypnosis from the ground floor. It’s like having your Trance-ability meter reset to zero, so you can begin again fresh with someone who actually knows what she’s doing. She trains you to go into trance the right way, and she helps rid you of all those old bad hypnosis habits you may have picked up along the way.
    I assume that later installments in the series will build upon the lesson learned in Part 1. All I know is that I awoke from this session with my brain in a state of flux that I’m pretty sure I’ve never experienced before. To say that I achieved deep trance is an understatement. I achieved a level of trance that I didn’t realize was possible. Especially from a recording. I also know that I need to train with this file at least a few more times. I remember my mind being buffeted throughout the session, and I know I missed some of what Tessa said to me. I felt like I was being overloaded with hypno-power, but I was able to maintain a deep trance nonetheless.
    There is no one more qualified to create the definitive erotic hypnosis training course than Tessa Fields. She’s an experienced hypnodomme with all the credentials one could hope to expect from a master practitioner. And I would like to thank her for making this training available. Just by doing so she is showing her dedication to this fetish and to the people that make up the community. I won’t go so far as to call her intentions altruistic, but in light of where I’ve observed this fetish going in the last few years, I feel honored to know that there is someone who actually cares about the subs in this community and the quality of the trances they experience.
    I love erotic hypnosis. It’s been one of the most rewarding pursuits in my life. But I’ve grown concerned about the direction this fetish has been moving for some time now. It bothers me to see hypnotists I admire get lost in the non-hypnosis aspects of this business. And don’t get me wrong. I understand that this is a business. It’s actually a collection of individual businesses made up by ladies with the talent and drive to make a living doing something that, hopefully, they enjoy. They get to be their own bosses and make a living doing something creative and fun. And in a perfect world, both the hypnotists and the subjects would get what they want out of this fetish without one having to use the other in a disadvantageous way. But the world isn’t perfect, is it? Things like payment processors and piracy have disadvantaged our hypnodommes. And the subs are inundated with new “hypnotists” with little skill, who appear to be interested only in making money without really caring about the craft. Even some hypnodommes I’ve admired and respected for years seem to no longer care about the hypnosis. There used to be real originality in this fetish. There used to be innovation. If only some of these ladies knew how badly I want to see them re-embrace erotic hypnosis and use their talents to stun us all with new and exciting things that we didn’t even know were possible. I wish more of them still had the passion that Tessa has shown in this new series. Thank you again Tessa. You’ve always treated us, your subjects, with a level of respect that few still do. The dedication to erotic hypnosis you’ve shown by creating this series is humbling. I wish there were more like you out there.

  3. Andrew A.

    As a newcomer to Tessa’s work, this series seems to be playing a very critical role in defining how I experience hypnosis with Tessa. I have been trancing for several years now – but this file, this series is enabling me to survey new depths and be attached, get acquainted to Tessa’s method and voice in a profound way. Tessa Teaches Trance is a gift to the world of ‘subjects and consumers’ to refresh, relearn and dive into trance like never before – with practice, by following it’s intricate design and thereby enjoying trance so much more! So don’t you dare skip parts without practice – that would not be desirable and smart. I’ve used Trust Fall several times now and it’s simple yet core lessons have helped me incredibly. Trust Fall is possibly one of the most important files I’ve ever listened to. Just trust this absolute genius of a hypnotist to help you trance better. You need it. I need it. We all could do with trancing better – and who else to help other than Tessa?

    For the hypnosis newcomer – this could be the most honest and brutally effective way to dive in (and learn) to experience the pleasures of trance and femdom hypnosis. For the acquainted – this is the best refresher of the ‘experience’ you’ve had in years! For someone like me, this binds me with Tessa’s voice, trusting it’s schemes, it’s lessons and of-course relearning trance methods by practice in the process – making me a better subject. Thank you so much Tessa.

  4. Rob (verified owner)

    I’m fairly new to hypnosis although I’ve practiced deep relaxation at various times over the years so this has made it easier to let go. One of the other things is that I am not submissive irl, so listening as more of an escape fantasy has perhaps made it harder to give up that control and fall deep listening to some other files. Finally, my mind picks apart most every thought or sensation which can make it harder to just fall I believe.

    But, this file was the first that really let me go deep into trance and after four listens I go so far as to drift in an out of consciousness listening to this. It was also the first file I listened to where afterwards I had no doubt I had been in a trance. I would echo the above comment that if you are new to hypno or Tessa herself this is a great place to start.

    One maybe slight negative is that at first I felt the vocal recording was a bit harsh and it would actually bring me up a little, but I quickly got used to this and now hardly notice. I’ve never noticed it in any of her other stuff I’ve listened to. Really I wasn’t even going to mention it as it didn’t put me off trying more of this series, but honestly I’ve seen so many 5 star gushing reviews through out the hypno-erotic world I don’t even read them anymore so I wanted to add that experience.

    Because of this I would give it 4.5/5 if I could but since the material itself is really awesome especially for someone new and I don’t even notice it now I’m still giving it a 5/5.

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